10 Ways to Lose Weight this summer

Eat protein for breakfast Don’t get over-hungry – have a small handful of nuts and a fruit snack when there’s a long gap Be prepared – do you need to prepare food? Move more – walk to the shops, cycle to work, park your car further away, take the stairs Swap grains...

Weight Loss Myths

You Need to count calories  – Not all calories are equal 100 calories of sweets will have a very different effect on weight loss to 100 calories of nuts You must avoid fat Good fats (oily fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil etc) help keep you satisfied for longer...

Super Healthy League

A lot of people know a lot about nutrition and how to be healthy.  Organic meat and wild fish; a wide range of colourful vegetables with daily essential greens; plenty of fat including cold pressed oils – the right sort; and reduced wheat with more carbohydrates...

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