The Diet Starts Tomorrow

We’ve all been there – telling ourselves that the diet starts tomorrow, but why do we procrastinate? It feels like life will become restrictive.  No more pizza, ice cream and alcohol? How will I socialise, what will I do when I’m tired after a busy week....

4 Worst ‘healthy’ Snacks

Manufacturers are very clever at ‘spinning’ some foods to make them appear healthy.  Watch out for these! 1. Cereal and breakfast bars – many are marketed as healthy, but nearly all have refined carbs and some sort of sugar or syrup in them.  If you...

Want To Lose Weight – Ditch cereal for breakfast!

Keeping blood sugar levels stable is my mantra for weight loss and healthy eating, and starting the day with some protein / fat rather than refined cereals is my top tip for energy and weight loss. Thinking of breakfast as a mini lunch is a good concept. We only...

12 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Always have a protein / fat based breakfast Sit down to eat rather than graze Balance your blood sugar by increasing good fat, protein, salad and vegetables – If you’re wanting sweet foods you’ve probably got low blood sugar rather than hunger Snack on raw...

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