This is a very simple and tasty main course salad, full of flavours. 

I had this last Saturday with a nice glass of red!  It was filling enough not to need to bread, but not so filling that I couldn’t get to the pub afterwards to meet some lovely old friends, enjoy more red wine, and be slightly hassled in the nicest way by a very smiley, very drunk Welshman!

What was in it?

Cooked and chopped new potatoes – about 3 each, quarter of sliced chorizo ring per person, handful each of green beans and peas, half sliced red onion per person, handful of olives and rocket.   Handful is a gourmet term!!!

What I did!

I cooked the potatoes for about 12-14 minutes and steamed the green beans and peas above them for about 9 minutes.  I drained the potatoes and left them warm, and ran some cold water through the veg to cool.  Meanwhile I fried the sliced Chorizo in a pan without oil (enough comes out of it) with sliced red onion until both were cooked and a little crispy (about 5-7 minutes).

I then assembled the rocket in a large bowl, added the potatoes, green beans and peas, and finally the choritzo, onion and olives.

This was dressed with a vinaigrette made with one squeezed lemon, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

Ta Da!!!!

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