Sometimes people can use the term ‘burnout’ to describe feeling overly tired or when they’re in need of a good holiday. But employee burnout is much more than that.

Employee Burnout – spot the signs

Employee burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a series of triggers that gradually happen over time causing even the most passionate employee to feel the effects.

Here are some of the most common symptoms:

-Increased mental distance from work

-Reduced productivity

-Lack of energy

-Increased absenteeism

-Negative attitude towards work

It’s important to familiarise yourself with these symptoms so you can spot the early warning signs of burnout and get you and your staff the support they need.

As a Manager

1) Regularly check in with your staff – Without speaking to your employees, you’re not going to know if there’s anything that’s bothering them. So, make sure to schedule regular one-to-ones with your staff to give them the opportunity to open up to you.

2) Promote a healthy work-life balance Do your staff come in early, skip lunch breaks and answer emails at the weekends? Then your business could be promoting an unhealthy work-life balance. Instead, you should encourage your people to switch off outside of work hours, always take their breaks and book time off when they need it.

3) Reward your employees – Make sure to acknowledge your staff for the good work that they do. When your staff feel valued for their hard work and dedication, they’re happier in their jobs and less likely to hold negative attitudes towards their work

  1. Bring in a chair massage therapist once a week / month
  2. Bring in a meditation teacher one lunchtime a week
  3. Bring in a sound therapist once a month, to hold sound meditations at the end of busy week.
  4. Have a Wellbeing Room that’s quiet and peaceful with plants where employees can go and be still if they feel overwhelmed

As an employee

  1. Speak up – communicate any issues that you are facing, whether that’s feelings of anxiety, stress or depression, to someone around you. You could talk to a work colleague, friend or relative. Or if you’d prefer, you could speak to someone you don’t know through services like the Samaritans. The key is to speak up and communicate what’s troubling you.
  2. Do what you enjoy – anything that takes you to your happy place
  3. Eat well and Rest – What you put into your body really does affect how you feel both physically and mentally. So try and feed yourself the best foods, if you can. Try to get as much sleep as you need. Maybe set a cut off time so you’re not stuck binge-watching the next episode of your favourite Netflix series and exhausting yourself for the next day. Try and limit your screen time and social media use before bed, too.
  4. Ask for alternative therapies at work
  5. Stay active – You could try and incorporate more movement into your working day. Make sure that you’re taking regular breaks away from the screen, use the stairs instead of the lift, and try to go for a walk on your lunch break. Staying active is the best way to keep your mind and your body healthy over the winter months.

Working from home must not feel like ‘living at work’

Encourage personal connections. We’re not saying everyone needs to be BFFs, but if you feel like part of a supported team you’ll feel happier.  Healthy and supportive relationships are the foundation for working well together.

-Hold virtual coffee breaks or get people together for a meal once a month, or a soundbath.

-Ideally have a designated area to work

-Change clothes or at least your top half to show the distinction between work and home

-Have a shower after work to let your body know work has finished

-Don’t look at work emails in the evening, if needed keep your phone out of sight

-Choose one task—something that needs your undivided attention. Set a timer for 25 minutes and immerse yourself until the timer goes off. Put a tick on a piece of paper. Take a short break (make a cuppa, stretch your legs, anything that isn’t work-related). For every four ticks, take a longer break.

If you would like me to come and talk to your work about healthier eating, reducing stress and a healthier work/life balance; or you would like me to come to run monthly sound baths at the work place at the end of the day,  please email me


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