With food prices soaring, here are some tips to eat cheaper and healthier for the whole family

  1. Make use of cheaper veg such as spring greens, cabbage (red, white and green), carrots and root veg. You can use these to make homemade coleslaw (recipe available), braised red cabbage and steamed greens, and roasted roots.
  2. Use romaine lettuce or little gems, rather than bags of salad as this lasts longer and is cheaper – better still grow your own rocket and cut again salad leaves
  3. Use frozen veg such as peas, spinach and mixed veg as healthy standbys, and soups in the winter.
  4. Bags of wholemeal rice allow you to make risottos, rice salads (recipe available), and stir fries. Make extra rice for lunch the next day with some salad and tuna
  5. Potatoes are a healthy food and don’t deserve their bad press. Use new potatoes with salads, jacket potatoes with tuna or humus, and roasties in their skins.  I like a beetroot, feta, radish  potato salad
  6. Buy melon such as Honeydew which will last a few days in the fridge and isn’t as expensive as stoned fruit. Buy wonky strawberries – half the price
  7. Buy smoked salmon trimmings rather than slices of smoked salmon for salads – half the price
  8. Use chicken thighs when roasting chicken rather than whole chicken or breast, it is cheaper, and more tender.
  9. Years ago we used to eat all of the animal – nose to tail, but this is increasingly going out of fashion. If you like offal, use liver, cheek and oxtails in stew – all are really tender tasty cuts of meats for a fraction of the price. Recipes available
  10. Make use of tinned lentils and beans to bulk out stir fries, stews and curries, or use them on their own in salads or with rice
  11. Use pasta with passatta which is a fraction of the cost of ready made pasta sauces. Adding some balsamic vinegar and Worcester sauce adds flavour.  A nice pasta dish is with Essential black olives, feta cheese or vegan feta, or bacon and some fresh cherry tomatoes with plenty of basil.
  12. Use fruit as a snack rather than crisps or cereal bars – or buy bags of dried dates
  13. Check the price at local markets versus supermarkets. They are often similar, but bigger and fresher
  14. Tinned mackerel and tuna, and smoked mackerel are good sources of protein and omega 3 oils. Mix with lemon juice, mayo, curry powder and a few raisins. Frozen cod or basa fillets are great in a fish pie with spring onions, peas and mash, topped with chives and cheese
  15. Buy ‘wonky’ fruit and vegetables which are much cheaper.
  16. Check out any larder schemes in your area where excess supermarket waste is sold cheaply or given away
  17. Don’t buy vegetable oils such as sunflower oil as a cheap alternative to extra virgin olive oil. These oils create inflammation in the body and interfere with metabolism
  18. Eggs are a nutritious alternative to more expensive meat and great way to start the day.
  19. Reduce alcohol to allow more money for fresh food, and swap your evening tipple for a summer evening walk which will support your mind and body


Find out more sam@whatseatingyou.co.uk

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