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Healthy Banana Ice Cream


Updated: Sep 23, 2024

Is it possible for ice cream to be healthy? Absolutely! This recipe is low in sugar, rich in fibre, and incredibly simple to prepare.

One hour before:  Peel and slice 4 ripe bananas and freeze

Then:  Roast ¼ cup of almonds for 8 mins at 180 in a tsp of maple syrup and a pinch of sea salt - optional

Then take frozen bananas add:

1 dessert spoon of maple syrup

1 dessert spoon of peanut butter (optional)

¼ cup of cocoa nibs (optional)

½ cup almond or coconut milk

2 dessert spoons of coconut cream (optional) or extra milk as above

1 tsp of vanilla extract

Combine the ingredients in a processor and pulse until creamy and serve immediately, sprinkled with sweet and salty almonds

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