Want to lose weight? Then you’ve got to plan!

Often what determines my client’s success or failure in losing weight is planning ahead so that you have the right foods available at your finger tips the whole time.  Try implementing these 5 ideas: 1. Write out what you are going to eat a week in advance and...

Cocoa / Carob Truffles

Chop about 7 large (or 9 small) dates into small pieces Add half cup of nut butter (almond is good, peanut is fine), and half a cup of cocoa or carob powder plus pinch of salt if using almond butter. Form into truffle sized balls and spoon into mini papercases and...

Bullet Proof Coffees

  There is no healthy substitute for a protein based breakfast with eggs and vegetables or with natural yoghurt berries, nuts and seeds, but if you don’t have time for breakfast try this coffee which keeps you energised with healthy fats all morning. It’s...

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