Preventing Burnout At Work

 Sometimes people can use the term ‘burnout’ to describe feeling overly tired or when they’re in need of a good holiday. But employee burnout is much more than that. Employee Burnout – spot the signs Employee burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a series of triggers...

We are what we eat – literally!  Sometimes we are lost in the taste of food or busyness that we forget how our food ‘becomes us’!  We are a culmination of what we have eaten. All proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds, tofu) are broken down into amino...

Stress – stop it, before it stops you

   In this Western world, high stress levels are increasing.  Feeling stressed is the norm rather than the exception.  Scoring more than 5 / 10 for stress can have a serious effect on your physical or mental health.  On-going low level stress affects our sleep, our...

Food For Exams

The aim is to increase your protein and good fats, and reduce sugary and refined carbs which cause sugar spikes. Breakfast ideas: Avoid cereals for breakfast as these don’t keep you full for longer or provide lasting energy to the brain. Avoid smoothies, juices and...

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