Bit of a Halloumi theme going on this week!!

This is a lovely light lunch with protein and good fats and carb free.  Adding some yoghurt to the pesto means you can be far more generous with it!  This was prepared after another morning of grey skies and constant rain, however, the moment I sat down to enjoy it, the sun appeared and I briefly had a spot of summer in the sky as well as on my plate!

What was in it?

Rocket and spinach, sliced tomato, half a sliced avocado, 4 slices of Halloumi cheese, 1 teaspoon of green pesto mixed with 1 teaspoon of live natural yoghurt, a squirt of balsamic glaze and dash of olive oil.

I sprinkled some basil leaves over the top and some black pepper and ate with a couple of rice cakes.

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